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Body Technique (All Levels)




September 14 - December 7


Saturdays 11:05am-12:05pm

About the Class

Ground, connect, align and balance the body. This multi-level class flows through a series of exercises developed to improve body awareness, weight change, braceo, marcajes and vueltas. At the end of class, we’ll apply the movement to a short lyrical study. Drop-ins welcome!

Class is sin zapatos (without shoes). Socks or flat dance shoes are recommended.

10 weeks

9/14, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7

*No class 9/21, 10/26, 11/30

Full session: $140

Pay in three installments: $53

Class hourly cost:

$18/hr Drop-in (full price)

$16/hr Payment in 3 Installments (10% discount)

$14/hr Full Session (20% discount)

If you elect to pay for the session in 3 monthly installments you will receive invoices for the 2nd and 3rd payments.

Payment can be made via cash/check: Lillie Last or via PayPal:

New students and students paying in person with cash/check please email us to register.

Scholarship/work trades available, please get in touch if you would like to know more about these options.

*All classes can be taken in person or via ZOOM

Your Instructor

Lillie Last


Espacio Flamenco

217 SW 1st Ave, Portland, OR 97204, USA
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